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R Sweke, IS & F Petruccione “Simulation of single – qubit open quantum systems”, Phys. IS & F Petruccione “Quantum optical implementation of open quantum walks”, Int. M Schuld, IS & F Petruccione “Quantum walks on graphs representing the firing patterns of a quantum neural network” Phys. V Semin, IS & F Petruccione “Arbitrary spin in a spin bath: Exact dynamics and approximation techniques” Phys. IS & F Petruccione “Microscopic Derivation of Open Quantum Walk on Two-Node Graph” Open Syst. IS & F Petruccione “Open Quantum Walks: a short introduction” J.

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A Ghesquière, IS & F Petruccione “Dynamics and non-equilibrium steady state in a system of coupled harmonic oscillators” Physics Letters A, Vol. 377, Issues 28–30, 1682 (2013) – linkġ7. R Sweke, IS & F Petruccione “Dissipative preparation of generalized Bell states” J.

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R Sweke, IS & F Petruccione “Dissipative preparation of large W states in optical cavities” Phys. A Marais, IS, F Petruccione & A Ekert”Decoherence-assisted transport in quantum networks” (with A. V Semin, IS & F Petruccione “Initial correlation in a system of a spin coupled to a spin bath through an intermediate spin” Phys. A Ghesquière, IS & F Petruccione “Non-equilibrium thermal entanglement in a two-particle system” Phys. IS & F Petruccione “Properties of open quantum walks on Z” Phys. IS & F Petruccione “Efficiency of open quantum walk implementation of dissipative quantum computing algorithms”, QuantumInformationProcessing (2012) – linkġ0. S Attal, F Petruccione, C Sabot & IS “Open Quantum Random Walks” J Stat Phys (2012) – linkĩ. Attal, F Petruccione”Open quantum walks on graphs” (with F.Petruccione and S. IS, A Marais, F Petruccione & A Ekert “Decoherence-Assisted Transport in a Dimer System” Phys. IS, N Pumulo & F Petruccione “Non-equilibrium thermal entanglement for simple qubit systems” Rev. N Pumulo, IS & F Petruccione “Non-equilibrium thermal entanglement for a three spin chain” Physics Letters A (2011) – linkĥ.

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, E Ferraro, A Napoli, A Messina & F Petruccione”Non-Markovian dynamics of an interacting qubit pair coupled to two independent bosonic baths” J. A Sergi, IS & F Petruccione “Numerical and analytical approach to the quantum dynamics of two coupled spins in bosonic baths” Phys. IS, F Petruccione & D Burgarth “Dynamics of nonequilibrium thermal entanglement” Phys. Rated C1 (Established researcher) by NRF from 2019 to 2024.ġ. Rated Y2 (Young researcher) by NRF from 2013 to 2018.

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November 2020 – till now: Associate Professor (Physics), School of Chemistry and Physics, UKZN June 2016 – October 2020: Senior Lecturer (Physics), School of Chemistry and Physics, UKZN Petruccioneĭecember 2009 – May 2016: NITheP Researcher January 2008 – November 2009: Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof.

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